This new issue of Longshot Island, which has my story "Endless Heat" has been nominated for the Pushcart 2020 Prize.

Longshot Island: Exit Point
Buy the magazine here:
I am now on, featuring "Coleman's War."

In 2016, EN Heim's short story ENDLESS HEAT was selected for the Thinkerbeat Anthology, The Art of Losing.
- ISBN-10: 0983054185
- ISBN-13: 978-0983054184

EN Heim's short story, Halab, Oh Halab was selected for a group of short stories featured in Face Foward.
- ASIN: B01M7W27WG

The Atomic Age by EN Heim is now live on UnFit Magazine:

Reviewed by Ray Simmons for Readers' Favorite
Coleman’s War by E.N. Heim is a beautiful portrait of a life. It is a powerful tale and I was impressed with Heim's masterful use of flashbacks to tell his story. It is the story of an American veteran and since I fall into that group, I’m interested in such stories and I’m pleased when they are done well. Coleman’s War is done very well. The use of the language is superb. The use of imagery is powerful. I like this kind of book. A book that examines a human life and the fabric of reality itself. It is not a book for everyone, but it is definitely one for me. This is a satisfying novel. I would place it in the mainstream literary category and I think that category, when done right, results in masterpieces. I believe E.N. Heim just may have created one here.
In examining each element of Coleman’s War, the first thing that stands out is the writing itself, and the author's use of techniques like flashbacks, the almost poetic flow of the words and the powerful imagery they convey. The characters are vividly conveyed. Three lives, all well drawn, all good men, but with very different results. These lives end in different places and the plot shows us how this happened. The setting is done very well and complements and works with the other elements to create a great book. I don’t know if E.N. Heim plans to write more books, but if he does, he is definitely a name to watch.